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Information Psychiatrique ; 99(1):65-68, 2023.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-20239688


Every year, the European Psychiatric Association organizes the EPA Summer School, an intensive program that aims to support and promote the education of young psychiatry professionals through numerous activities. The program returned to being an in-person event this year, after changes imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two years. From September 29 to October 2, 2022, young psychiatrists selected by the EPA Committee on Education, 21 in total, gathered together in Strasbourg, France, to attend the activities organized around the topic "Focus on Suicidal Behaviours - One Step Beyond." This year's event adopted a blended learning format;the participants were required to attend and complete a 6-week online course entitled "Focus on Suicidal Behaviours", before coming to the in-person sessions held by a distinguished group of lecturers. The activities designed during the training days allowed the participants to not only expand their knowledge about suicide and related issues but also to exchange experiences from different European countries, and they encouraged critical thinking about what can be done more or better. In addition, they encouraged the participants to get to know each other, to socialize, and to building relationships with each other. This article presents step-by-step the activities organized during the Summer School and also attempts to describe the way the participants experienced them. © 2023 John Libbey Eurotext. All rights reserved.;Chaque année, l'Association Européenne de Psychiatrie organise une Université d'été, un programme intensif qui vise à soutenir et à promouvoir l'éducation des jeunes professionnels de la psychiatrie par le biais de nombreuses activités. Elle a pu se tenir de nouveau en présentiel en 2022, après 2 ans d'organisation en distanciel, imposée par la pandémie de covid-19. Du 29 septembre au 2 octobre 2022, les jeunes psychiatres sélectionnés par le Comité d'éducation de l'EPA, 21 au total, se sont retrouvés à Strasbourg, en France, pour assister à cette formation autour du thème « Focus sur les conduites suicidaires - One step beyond ». L'événement de cette année a été que le format était un enseignement mixte. Pour débuter, la 1re partie de la formation s'est déroulée en ligne, sous la forme d'un MOOC « Focus sur les comportements suicidaires », pour une durée de 6 semaines, la seconde partie était la formation en présentiel avec des experts internationaux, sur une durée de 2 jours 1/2. Ces journées de formation ont permis aux participants non seulement d'élargir leurs connaissances sur le suicide et les questions connexes, mais aussi d'échanger autour des expériences de différents pays européens et d'encourager la réflexion critique sur ce qui peut être fait de plus ou de mieux, en termes de prévention et de soins. De plus, la possibilité de rencontres et d'échanges entre les participants a permis la création d'un réseau social européen unique. Cet article présente étape par étape les activités de formation organisées pendant l'université d'été de l'EPA et témoigne du vécu des participants. © 2023 John Libbey Eurotext. All rights reserved.;Cada año, la Asociación Europea de Psiquiatría organiza una Escuela de Verano, un programa intensivo cuyo objetivo es apoyar y promover la formación de jóvenes profesionales de la psiquiatría a través de una gran variedad de actividades. Ha podido volver a celebrarse en persona en 2022, tras 2 años de organización a distancia, impuesta por la pandemia de la covid-19. Del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2022, los jóvenes psiquiatras seleccionados por el Comité de Educación de la EPA, 21 en total, se reunieron en Estrasburgo (Francia) para asistir a esta formación sobre el tema "Enfoque en las conductas suicida - One step beyond (Un paso más allá"). Lo más destacado del acto de este año fue que el formato era una formación combinada. Para empezar, la 1a parte de la formación fue online, en forma de MOOC "Focus en conductas suicidas", con un duración de 6 semanas, la segunda parte fue la formación presencial con expertos internacionales, con una duración de 2 días y medio. Estas jornadas de formación les permitieron a los participantes no sólo ampliar sus conocimientos sobre el suicidio y cuestiones afines, sino también intercambiar en torno a experiencias de distintos países europeos y fomentar el pensamiento crítico sobre qué más o mejor se puede hacer, en términos de prevención y asistencia. Además, la posibilidad de encuentros e intercambios entre los participantes permitió crear una red social europea única. Este artículo presenta paso a paso las actividades de formación organizadas durante la escuela de verano de la EPA y da fe de la experiencia de los participantes. © 2023, John Libbey Eurotext. Tous droits réservés. © 2023 John Libbey Eurotext. All rights reserved.

Information Psychiatrique ; 99(3):161-168, 2023.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-20234483


This paper provides an overview of the development and current status of digital mental health in Ireland. It will present the results of the work carried out on this topic as part of Interreg Europe's eMEN project. This charts the trajectory of digital mental health developments in Ireland across three phases: pre-, mid-, and post-COVID-19 pandemic. Before the pandemic hit, the field of digital mental health was gradually growing through a combination of bottom-up and top-down activities. The pandemic triggered a rapid shift to the online provision of mental health services, which often involved remote consultations via video platforms. As we come out of the pandemic, the focus has shifted to consolidating these pandemic-driven changes, as well as continuing to build on existing initiatives. This article outlines the key elements of each phase, as well discussing certain key issues that should be factored into healthcare policies and provision.These include quality assurance frameworks designed to cover a range of digital mental health applications, as well as new ontological frameworks to characterize the emerging ecosystem of technology-based care in the post-pandemic "new normal”. Copyright © 2023 John Libbey Eurotext. Téléchargé;Ce document présente un aperçu de l'évolution et du statut actuel de la santé mentale numérique en Irlande. Il présente les résultats du travail effectué par les auteurs dans le cadre du projet Interreg eMEN. Il décrit la trajectoire d'évolution de la santé mentale numérique en Irlande selon trois phases: avant, pendant et après la pandémie de Covid-19. Avant la pandémie, la santé mentale numérique évoluait progressivement grâce à une combinaison d'activités ascendantes et descendantes. La période de pandémie a déclenché une évolution rapide vers la fourniture en ligne de services de santé mentale, notamment les consultations à distance via des plateformes vidéo. Au sortir de la pandémie, l'accent est mis sur la consolidation des changements induits par la pandémie, ainsi que sur la poursuite du développement des initiatives déjà lancées auparavant. Cet article présente les éléments clés de chaque phase et examine certaines questions essentielles à prendre en compte dans les politiques et l'offre de soins. Il s'agit notamment des cadres d'assurance qualité destinés à couvrir les applications de santé mentale numérique, ainsi que de nouveaux cadres ontologiques pour caractériser l'écosystème émergent des soins basés sur la technologie dans la « nouvelle normalité» post-pandémique. Copyright © 2023 John Libbey Eurotext. Téléchargé;Este documento ofrece una panorámica de la evolución y el estado actual de la salud mental digital en Irlanda. Presenta los resultados del trabajo de los autores sobre este tema como parte del proyecto Interreg eMEN. Describe la trayectoria de evolución de la salud mental digital en Irlanda según tres fases: antes, durante y después de la pandemia de la COVID-19. Antes de la pandemia, la salud mental digital evolucionaba gradualmente mediante una combinación de actividades ascendentes y descendentes. El periodo pandémico desencadenó una rápida evolución hacia la prestación en línea de servicios de salud mental, en particular las consultas a distancia a través de plataformas de vídeo. Después de la pandemia, la atención se ha centrado en consolidar los cambios provocados por la pandemia, así como en seguir desarrollando las iniciativas ya puestas en marcha anteriormente. Este artículo presenta los elementos claves de cada fase y examina algunas de las cuestiones fundamentales que deben tenerse en cuenta en las políticas y la prestación de asistencia. Entre ellas se incluyen en primer lugar los marcos de garantía de calidad con el fin de cubrir las aplicaciones digitales de salud mental, así como los nuevos marcos ontológicos para caracterizar el ecosistema emergente de atención basada en la tecnología en la "nueva normalidad” pospandémica. Copyright © 2023 John Lib ey Eurotext. Téléchargé

Infant Ment Health J ; 44(4): 466-479, 2023 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2325055


This longitudinal study compared infant temperament rated at 3 months postpartum by 263 United-States-based women who gave birth during the COVID-19 pandemic and 72 who gave birth prior to the pandemic. All women completed questionnaires assessing perinatal mental health, social contact, and infant temperament. Mothers whose infants were born during the pandemic reported higher levels of infant negative affectivity as compared with mothers whose infants were born earlier (F(1, 324) = 18.28, p < .001), but did not differ in their ratings of surgency or effortful control. Maternal prenatal depressive symptoms, prenatal stress, and postpartum stress mediated differences in infant negative affectivity  between pandemic and pre-pandemic groups. Within the pandemic group, decreased postpartum social contact was associated with higher ratings of infant negative affectivity. These findings suggest that the pandemic has affected maternal perceptions of infant temperament, perinatal mental health, and social contact.

Este estudio longitudinal comparó el temperamento del infante evaluado a los tres meses después del parto por 263 mujeres con base en Estados Unidos, las cuales dieron a luz durante la pandemia del COVID-19 y 72 que dieron a luz antes de la pandemia. Todas las mujeres completaron cuestionarios para evaluar la salud mental perinatal, el contacto social y el temperamento del infante. Las madres cuyos infantes nacieron durante la pandemia reportaron más altos niveles de afectividad negativa del infante tal como se les comparó con madres cuyos infantes nacieron antes (F(1,324) = 18.28, p<.001), pero no difirieron en sus puntajes de rapidez y astucia o control esforzado. Los síntomas depresivos maternos mediaron la asociación entre la condición de pandemia y la afectividad negativa del infante. Dentro del grupo de pandemia, la baja en el contacto social posterior al parto fue asociada con más altos puntajes en la afectividad negativa del infante. Estos resultados proponen que la pandemia ha afectado las percepciones mentales de la salud mental y el contacto social del temperamento perinatal del infante.

Cette étude longitudinale a comparé le tempérament du nourrisson évalué à trois mois postpartum par 263 femmes basées aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique ayant donné naissance durant la pandémie du COVD-19 et 72 femmes ayant donné naissance avant la pandémie. Toutes les femmes ont rempli des questionnaires évaluant la santé mentale périnatale, le contact social et le tempérament du nourrisson. Les mères dont les nourrissons étaient nés durant la pandémie ont fait état de niveaux plus élevés d'affectivité négative du bébé comparées aux mères dont les bébés étaient nés avant (F(1 324) = 18,28, p <,001), mais n'ont pas divergé dans leurs évaluations du dynamisme ou du contrôle efficace. Les symptômes dépressifs maternels ont médiatisé le lien entre le statue pandémique et l'affectivité négative du nourrisson. Au sein du groupe pandémique le contact social postpartum décru était lié à des évaluations plus élevées de l'affectivité négative du nourrisson. Ces résultats suggèrent que la pandémie a affecté les perceptions maternelles du tempérament du bébé, la santé mentale périnatale et le contact social.

COVID-19 , Pandemics , Pregnancy , Female , Infant , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , COVID-19/epidemiology , Mothers/psychology , Mental Health , Temperament
Encephale ; 2022 Feb 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2325898


CONTEXT: In France, care workers and health students have been intensely mobilized during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. But few studies have evaluated psychological distress on non-medical health students, in addition to the challenges posed by pedagogical continuity while universities are closed following health and safety regulations. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to assess COVID-19's impact on health students in France on different levels: psychological, educational and social. METHODS: An online national cross-sectional study, from April 11 to May 30 2020, included sociodemographic, work conditions and numeric scales. RESULTS: A total of 4411 students answered. Regarding the K6 scale, 39% of students had moderate distress, and 21% had a high level of distress. Risk factors of psychological distress included being a woman (P<0.001), being between 19 and 21 years old (P<0.001), living alone (P=0.008), and not having the ability to isolate (P<0.001). Students on the frontline had less psychological distress (57 vs 62%, P=0.003), better quality of sleep (34% vs 28% high quality, P<0.001) but a higher consumption of medical (8.5% vs 6.5%, P=0.044) and non-medical (18% vs 10%, P<0.001) psychotropic drugs. Nurse and medical students had more distress and used more non-medical psychotropic substances than other health students (15% vs 9.2%). DISCUSSION: COVID-19' crisis had an important impact on health students' mental health, social life and training with discrepancies regarding the speciality whether they were on the frontline or not. There is an urgent need for psychological and pedagogical support for students, and even more so regarding the prolongation of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Can J Occup Ther ; 90(2): 173-184, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2320167


Background. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic disrupted daily life with corresponding implications on levels of distress. Purpose. To describe factors associated with high distress among community-dwelling older adults during the first lockdown and explore how occupational participation was managed. Methods. A mixed methods design whereby multivariate regression analysis of a survey (N = 263) identified factors associated with high distress, as per the Impact of Events of Scale-Revised (IES-R). Follow-up interviews with a sub-sample of those surveyed who reflected a range of IES-R scores were conducted (N = 32). Findings. Those with lower resilience and anxiety/depression had 6.84 and 4.09 greater odds respectively of high distress. From the interviews, the main theme, "Lost and Found," and subthemes (Interruption and Disruption; Surving, not Thriving; Moving Forward, Finding Meaning) highlighted the process and corresponding stages, including adaptive strategies, by which participants navigated changes in their occupational participation. Implications. While the results suggest that many older adults, including those with high distress, were able to manage daily life under lockdown, some experienced ongoing challenges in doing so. Future studies should focus on those who experienced or who are at-higher risk for such challenges to identify supports that mitigate adverse consequences if another event of this magnitude occurs again.

COVID-19 , Occupational Therapy , Humans , Aged , COVID-19/epidemiology , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , Communicable Disease Control , Canada/epidemiology
Encephale ; 2023 Apr 21.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2308595


INTRODUCTION: Few studies are available on the health status of doctoral students. This position at the border between university studies and a professional activity presents specific risk factors, especially in terms of psychosocial constraints. The lockdowns implemented worldwide to control the COVID-19 pandemic are potentially worsening factors. METHODS: At Lyon 1 University, a systematic medical follow-up of first year PhD students had been set up by the occupational health service in 2019. In the context of the lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, a telephonic interview was proposed to the same PhD students in order to assess the impact of the lockdown on working conditions and health and to provide possible assistance. During this interview, a standardized questionnaire was used to collect information about the conditions during the lockdown, doctoral work during this period and the consequences on research progress, as well as possible financial difficulties due to the lockdown. In addition, questions were asked about the perceived general health conditions and consultation with a health practitioner during this period. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) were used to assess depression and anxiety. Questions on lifestyle during lockdown, changes in diet during the period, weight change, and changes in the quantity and quality of their sleep were also asked. Comparisons of perceived health status, the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms at baseline and during the follow-up survey were made by MacNemar Chi2 tests, as the data were repeated ones. The students were informed orally and in writing that their data would be entered anonymously into a computer and that they could have access to their data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They were all informed by e-mail about the study results at the end of the study. The data collection process was registered with the National Institute for Health Data (INDS) and with the university's register under reference no. 2020/002 by the university's data protection officer in compliance with the French data protection laws (CNIL). The protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the Lyon University College of General Medicine (notification number: 2020-10-29-02). RESULTS: Of the 161 PhD students initially interviewed, 149 underwent a second interview. In total, 89.2% of the students assessed their health as good or very good. Regarding the answers to the GAD-7 questionnaire, 8.1% had a score equal to or higher than 10, corresponding to moderate to severe anxiety. Regarding the answers to PHQ-9, 19.6% of the PhD students had a score equal to or higher than 9 corresponding to moderate to severe depressive syndromes. The prevalence of an anxiety disorder was significantly associated with the absence of an outside private access in the place of residence during lockdown (75% vs. 37%), an increase in coffee consumption (33% vs. 5%), an increase in the quantity of food consumed (50% vs. 12%), weight gain (50% vs. 19%) and a deterioration in sleep quality (75% vs. 28%). The prevalence of a depressive symptom was significantly associated with lockdown in an urban area (89% vs. 70%), the occurrence of financial difficulties (7% vs. 1%), the consultation of a health professional during the period (34% vs. 15%), smoking cessation (14% vs. 1%), changes in the quantity (31% vs. 9%) and deterioration (59% vs. 25%) of the quality of sleep, and diet changes (66% vs. 43%). GAD-7 scores were unchanged for 90% of participants between the two surveys, but they were higher for 6.8% of doctoral students and lower for 2.7 % (P=0.1). A deterioration of the PHQ-9 scores, i.e. higher scores in the second survey compared to the first, was observed for 15.5% of the PhD students while an improvement of the scores was observed for 1.4% (P=0.0001). DISCUSSION: A number of studies have been published on the impact of lockdown on mental health, but few of them focused specifically on PhD students and even fewer were prospective studies. Their results are therefore difficult to compare with ours; they generally show GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores that are similar to those of our population, or even higher. The impact of lockdown on the mental health of doctoral students highlighted in our study therefore justifies an appropriate follow-up of this population, particularly in the case of former psychiatric disorders.

Can J Diabetes ; 2022 Apr 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2309873


OBJECTIVE: Our aim in this study was to characterise the relationship between comorbid mental health diagnosis and diabetes type on inpatient length of stay (LOS). METHODS: This retrospective, chart review study was conducted at a community hospital in Ontario, Canada. Individuals admitted to the inpatient mental health unit with a reported diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes were included in the analysis. Relevant data related to mental health conditions at admission and LOS were collected from the electronic health record. Analyses of variance and coviariance were used to determine the impact on LOS. RESULTS: A total of 249 encounters were included in the analyses. Overall, individuals with type 2 diabetes (mean, 14.70 days; standard deviation, 15.75 days) had a significantly longer LOS than individuals with type 1 diabetes (mean, 8.01 days; standard deviation, 7.27 days). Upon including sociodemographic factors, individuals older in age and with a most recent admission of <1 year also had a longer LOS. There was no significant relationship between the most responsible mental health diagnosis and LOS. CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with type 2 diabetes may be more likely to have a longer LOS in inpatient mental health settings than those with type 1 diabetes. More dedicated support would be beneficial for this population. Future work should focus on in-depth exploration of the challenges that lead to the observed LOS.

Encephale ; 2023 Apr 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2298443


INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 may have negatively impacted the mental health of front-line healthcare workers, including general practitioners (GPs). This study sought to assess the psychological impact (stress, burnout and self-efficacy) of the COVID-19 outbreak in French GPs. METHODS: We carried out a postal-based survey of all GPs who worked in the French region of Normandy (departments of Calvados, Manche and Orne) from the exhaustive database of the Union Régionale des Médecins libéraux (URML Normandie) as of 15th April 2020 (one month after the first French COVID-19 sanitary lockdown). The second survey was conducted four months later. Four validated self-report questionnaires were used at both inclusion and follow-up: Perceived Stress scale (PSS), Impact of Event Scale-revised (IES-R), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and General Self-Efficacy scale (GSE). Demographic data were also collected. RESULTS: The sample consists of 351 GPs. At the follow-up, 182 answered the questionnaires (response rate: 51.8%). The mean scores of MBI significantly increased during follow-up [Emotional exhaustion (EE) and Personal accomplishment, P<0.01]. Higher burnout symptoms were found at the 4-month follow-up in 64 (35.7%) and 86 (48.0%) participants (43 and 70 participant at baseline), according respectively to EE and depersonalisation scores (P=0.01 and 0.09, respectively). CONCLUSION: This is the first longitudinal study that has shown the psychological impact of COVID-19 in French GPs. Based on validated a self-report questionnaire, burnout symptoms increased during follow-up. It is necessary to continue monitoring psychological difficulties of healthcare workers especially during consecutive waves of COVID-19 outbreak.

Can J Occup Ther ; 90(2): 136-151, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2270979


Background: Only a few studies have explored experiences of meaningful activity and associations with psychosocial wellbeing during COVID-19. None reflect a Canadian context or focus on persons living in poverty. Purpose: To identify experiences and associations between meaningful activity and psychosocial wellbeing for persons living in poverty during the first year of COVID-19. Method: We delivered a quantitative survey at three time points during the first year of the pandemic supplemented by qualitative interviews at Time(T) 1 and 1 year later at T3. Findings: One hundred and eight participants completed T1 surveys, and 27 participated in qualitative interviews. Several statistically significant correlations between indices of meaningful activity engagement and psychosocial wellbeing were identified across T1-T3. Meaningful activity decreased from T1-T3 [X2 (2, n = 49) = 9.110, p < .05], with a significant decline from T2-T3 (z = -3.375, p < .001). In T1 qualitative interviews, participants indicated that physical distancing exacerbated exclusion from meaningful activities early in the pandemic. At T3 (1 year later), they described how classist and ableist physical distancing policies layered additional burdens on daily life. Implications: Meaningful activity engagement and psychosocial wellbeing are closely associated and need to be accounted for in the development of pandemic policies that affect persons living in low income. Occupational therapists have a key role in pandemic recovery.

COVID-19 , Occupational Therapy , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , COVID-19/epidemiology , Canada/epidemiology , Poverty
Psychologie Française ; 2022.
Article in French | ScienceDirect | ID: covidwho-2061777


Résumé Introduction Le confinement, dû à la pandémie de la COVID-19, a été une expérience brutale, qui a durablement impacté le quotidien des individus. Objectif Étudier la construction de la représentation sociale de cet événement a été suivie sur une année sur deux phases d’échantillonnage (mars 2020 puis avril 2021). Méthode Le suivi de l’évolution de la représentation sociale a été réalisé par la méthode d’association verbale hiérarchisée, et un questionnaire de caractérisation. Résultats Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence, d’une part, l’émergence d’un noyau figuratif qui se transforme en noyau central par la répétition et la pression des épisodes de confinement ;d’autre part, la variabilité de la représentation sociale du confinement en fonction du statut social, les salariés structurent la représentation sociale autour de l’isolement alors que les étudiants sont centrés sur la solitude. Conclusion Les effets du confinement se retrouvent dans la représentation sociale du confinement, montrant un impact sur la santé mentale et plus particulièrement celle des étudiants. Introduction The lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was a brutal experience that had a lasting impact on people's daily lives. Objective The construction of the social representation of this event was monitored over one year in two sampling phases (March 2020 and March 2021). Method The evolution of social representation was carried out using the hierarchical verbal association method and a characterisation questionnaire. Results The results obtained highlighted, on one hand, the emergence of a figurative core, which is transformed into a central core by the repetition and pressure of the lockdown episodes. On the other hand, the variability of the social representation of confinement according to social status, employees structure the social representation around isolation whereas students are focused on loneliness. Conclusion The effects of lockdown are reflected in the social representation of confinement, showing an impact on mental health, particularly on students.

Médecine de Catastrophe - Urgences Collectives ; 2022.
Article in English | ScienceDirect | ID: covidwho-2042101


During the present COVID-19 pandemic healthcare workers are confronted with multiple stressors. At the beginning of the pandemic these stressors mainly related to health and safety issues. In the course of the pandemic societal stressors became more salient. These include lacking credibility of important stakeholders (leadership, organization and policy) as well as lacking appreciation from society and policy. Both, stressors referring to safety related issues, as well as stressors referring to trust or morally related issues have negative impact on psychosocial wellbeing in terms of distress, anxiety, burnout, depression and moral injury. To mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on healthcare workers and to enhance the resilience and psychosocial well-being of healthcare workers, psychosocial support is important to be delivered on different levels. Résumé Pendant la pandémie actuelle COVID-19, les personnels de santé ont été confrontés à de multiples facteurs de stress. Au début de la pandémie, ces facteurs de stress étaient principalement liés à des questions de santé et de sécurité. Au cours de la pandémie, les facteurs de stress sociétaux sont devenus plus saillants. Il s’agit notamment du manque de crédibilité des parties prenantes importantes (direction, organisation et politiques) ainsi que du manque d’appréciation de la part de la société et des politiques. Que ce soient les facteurs de stress liés à la sécurité, ceux liés à la confiance ou à la morale, tous ont un impact négatif sur le bien-être psychosocial en termes de détresse, d’anxiété, d’épuisement, de dépression et de préjudice moral. Afin d’atténuer les effets de la crise COVID-19 sur les personnels de santé et d’améliorer la résilience et le bien-être psychosocial de ces derniers, il est important d’apporter un soutien psychosocial à différents niveaux.

Psychologie Française ; 2022.
Article in French | ScienceDirect | ID: covidwho-2031633


Résumé Introduction: Les étudiants représentent une population particulièrement à risque de développer des troubles de santé mentale en général et particulièrement durant la pandémie de COVID-19. Si de nombreuses recherches montrent que le confinement a été vécu difficilement, peu ont exploré l’évolution à travers le temps. Objectif: Cet article explore le lien entre les caractéristiques individuelles, le contexte de vie, les capacités de régulation émotionnelle et la détresse psychologique des étudiants durant les deux premiers confinements en France. Méthode: 160 étudiants (90% d’étudiantes, 24 ans en moyenne) ont répondu à un questionnaire en ligne à trois reprises : pendant et après le premier confinement puis au second confinement. Les difficultés de régulation émotionnelle, la détresse psychologique, le stress aigu, les inquiétudes universitaires, les ressources financières ainsi que les échanges avec les enseignants ont été mesurés. Résultats: Un modèle d’équation structurelles exploratoire a été développé pour évaluer les facteurs en lien avec la détresse psychologique (χ2=1459,18, ddl=1064, CFI=0,910, RMSEA=0,049, SRMR=0,068). La détresse psychologique au cours des deux confinements est expliquée par les inquiétudes universitaires et le manque de clarté et d’acceptation émotionnelle. Une relation indirecte significative est présente entre les difficultés financières, l’absence d’échanges avec les enseignants lors du premier confinement, le manque de clarté émotionnelle et la détresse psychologique vécue lors du second confinement. Des ANOVAs à mesures répétées identifient des niveaux élevés de stress aigu au cours des deux confinements, mais diminuant durant le déconfinement, indiquant un effet des mesures sanitaires sur la santé mentale des étudiants. Conclusion: Dans le cadre du modèle transactionnel de Bruchon-Schweiser, les capacités de régulation émotionnelle semblent jouer un rôle central dans l’expérience de la pandémie chez les étudiants. Cette population bénéficierait d’interventions thérapeutiques adaptées dans le cadre de cette pandémie, mais aussi en temps normal. Introduction: Students are at risk for mental health issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The implementation of lockdowns as a means to curb the spread of the disease have had an impact on this population, as observed in many international studies. However, few studies have investigated the longitudinal impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on students’ mental health. Objective: We explored the relation between individual characteristics of students, context of life, difficulties in emotion regulation and psychological distress over the first two lockdowns in France. Methodology: 160 university students (90% female, mean of 24 years old) responded to an online questionnaire at three times points: once during the first lockdown, a second time after this lockdown and a third time during the second lockdown. Difficulties in emotion regulation, psychological distress, acute stress, academic concerns, financial resources, and exchanges with professors were measured. Results: An exploratory structural equations model was developed to investigate the factors related to psychological distress (χ2=1459,18, df=1064, CFI=0,910, RMSEA=0,049, SRMR=0,068). During both lockdowns, psychological distress was explained by academic concerns and lack of emotional clarity and acceptance. An indirect and negative significant relation was identified between financial difficulties, lack of exchanges with professors during the first lockdown, emotion clarity and experienced psychological distress during the second lockdown. Repeated measures ANOVAs identified high levels of acute stress during both lockdowns and a diminution during the deconfinement indicating an impact of sanitary measures on student’s mental health. Conclusion: Coherently with the Bruchon-Sweiser translational model of stress, emotion regulation capacities seem to have a central role in the experience of the pandemic for students. They would benefit greatly from appropriate therapeutic interventions in this pandemic situation and in general.

Canadian Social Work Review ; 37(2):185-195, 2020.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2025302


The Psychiatry Emergency Services (PES) virtual clinic is an innovative clinical program that was established to enhance access to psychiatric crisis follow-up care during COVID-19. The clinic provides psychiatric follow-up via scheduled phone calls or videoconference for patients that have been seen by the PES team. The social worker has an important role on the PES virtual clinic team: they initiate initial assessments, collaboratively develop follow-up plans, and facilitate community care. The clinic meets the provincial agenda to reduce Emergency Department (ED) visits, ED/PES wait times, ED/PES overcrowding, and inappropriate admissions, while addressing both psychiatric needs and social determinants of health in an acute care setting. Throughout our survey of relevant literature, we found little research to inform the implementation of virtual care in Canadian healthcare emergency services (Hensel et al., 2020;Serhal et al., 2017). More specifically, there is a void in research regarding a collaborative psychiatric and social work care model in the context of a global pandemic. Further robust studies are needed and encouraged that use emergency psychiatric settings as critical prevention sites of mental health crises.Alternate :La clinique virtuelle des Psychiatry Emergency Services (PES) est un programme clinique innovant qui a été mis en place pour améliorer l’accès aux suivis lors des crises psychiatriques pendant la pandémie de la COVID-19. La clinique assure un suivi psychiatrique par le biais d’appels téléphoniques ou de vidéoconférences pour les patients qui ont été vus par l’équipe des PES. La travailleuse sociale joue un rôle important au sein de l’équipe de la clinique virtuelle du PES : elle initie les évaluations initiales, élabore en collaboration des plans de suivi et facilite les soins de proximité. La clinique répond au plan provincial visant à réduire les visites aux services d’urgence, les temps d’attente aux services d’urgence/PES, l’engorgement des services d’urgence/PES et les admissions inappropriées, tout en répondant à la fois aux besoins psychiatriques et aux déterminants sociaux de la santé dans un contexte de soins aigus. Lors de la recension des écrits, nous avons trouvé peu de recherches permettant d’informer la mise en oeuvre des soins virtuels dans les services d’urgence canadiens (Hensel et coll., 2020;Serhal et coll., 2017). Plus précisément, il n’existe pas de recherche concernant un modèle de soins psychiatriques et sociaux collaboratifs dans un contexte de pandémie mondiale. D’autres études approfondies au sujet des milieux psychiatriques d’urgence utilisés comme sites de prévention des crises en santé mentale sont nécessaires.

Revue Internationale P.M.E. ; 34(2):36-61, 2021.
Article in French | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1994432


Les PME constituent un élément moteur de l’activité économique des territoires où elles sont établies. Le bon fonctionnement et la performance des PME dépendent entre autres des capacités mentales et physiques de leur promoteur, les entrepreneurs. L’émergence de la Covid-19 aussi subite qu’imprévue a remis en cause le fonctionnement normal de la plupart des économies à travers le monde. Ce contexte sans précédent se caractérise par des effets sur les individus et dans diverses sphères de la vie économique. Nous nous intéressons dans cette étude à l’impact de la Covid-19 sur la santé mentale des entrepreneurs en Afrique. À cet effet, des données ont été collectées auprès de 158 entrepreneurs exerçant sur ce continent au début de la pandémie. Les analyses réalisées montrent que plusieurs d’entre eux ont fait l’expérience de différents symptômes de détresse psychologique à la suite des conséquences de la pandémie sur leurs entreprises. Les caractéristiques et les ressources personnelles (âge, expérience) ainsi que celles de l’entreprise (stade de développement, taille de l’entreprise) contribuent toutefois à tracer un portrait contrasté de la détresse psychologique chez les entrepreneurs en Afrique.Alternate :SMEs are the driving force behind every country’s economic activity. The proper functioning and performance of SMEs depends on the mental and physical capacities of their promoters, the entrepreneurs. The emergence of the Covid-19 as sudden as it was unforeseen has challenged the normal functioning of most economies around the world. This unprecedented context has affected various spheres of economic life and on individuals. In this study, we focus on the impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of entrepreneurs in Africa. We collected data from 158 entrepreneurs from various parts of Africa at the beginning of the pandemic. The analyses show that several of them experienced various symptoms of psychological distress because of the consequences of the pandemic on their businesses and, we observed differences among entrepreneurs. Personal characteristics and resources (age, experience) and enterprise characteristics contribute to the contrasting picture of psychological distress among entrepreneurs in Africa.Alternate :Las PyME son un motor de la actividad económica en los territorios donde están establecidas. El buen funcionamiento y los resultados de las PyME dependen, entre otras cosas, de las capacidades mentales y físicas de sus promotores, los empresarios. La aparición del Covid-19, tan repentina como inesperada, ha puesto en entredicho el funcionamiento normal de la mayoría de las economías del mundo. Este contexto sin precedentes se caracteriza por sus efectos en diversas esferas de la vida económica y en los individuos. En este estudio, nos interesamos por el impacto de Covid-19 en la salud mental de los empresarios de África. Para ello, se recogieron datos de 158 empresarios de diversas regiones de África al comienzo de la pandemia. Los análisis realizados muestran que varios de ellos experimentaron diversos síntomas de angustia psicológica a raíz de las consecuencias de la pandemia en sus empresas, y que existen diferencias entre los empresarios. Las características y los recursos personales (edad, experiencia), así como las características y los recursos de la empresa (etapa de desarrollo, tamaño de la empresa) contribuyen a la imagen contrastada de la angustia psicológica entre los empresarios en África.

Psychologie Française ; 2022.
Article in French | ScienceDirect | ID: covidwho-1956298


Objectif : Ce travail propose l’investigation des répercussions émotionnelles immédiates des annonces du troisième confinement en France. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, nous nous intéressons aux réactions émotionnelles exprimées sur le réseau social Twitter entre le 11 mars 2021 et le 08 avril 2021. Méthode : 481 601 tweets ont été récupérés via la bibliothèque rtweet du logiciel R. Une analyse automatisée du lexique émotionnel a été conduite en étudiant sur le contenu des tweets jours après jours. Les données ont donc été traitées selon deux approches : (i) l’une transversale et (ii) l’autre considérant longitudinalement l’aspect dynamique des émotions. Résultats : L’impact des annonces de confinement n’est pas anodin. Si des émotions positives peuvent être observées, l’impact reste majoritairement négatif et global. Sur l’ensemble de la période considérée, le mal-être est le ressenti dominant. Il s’illustre par un vécu de solitude, des sensations de tensions, de la souffrance et/ou de la frustration. Les affects dépressifs et la souffrance apparaissent également de manière prépondérante sur l’ensemble des tweets. Les analyses temporelles montrent que les émotions varient dans leur nature et dans leur diversité selon la date à laquelle les tweets ont été publiés. Les annonces de reconfinement sont ainsi principalement associées à la haine, mais n’apparaissent que de façons transitoires. Discussion : Les résultats sont discutés au regard des fonctions adaptatives que procurent des émotions. Conclusion : L'analyse des messages postés sur ce réseau social nous apporte une compréhension en temps réel des réactions émotionnelles en lien avec les annonces de reconfinement. Outre l’examen du type d’émotions mobilisées, une lecture dynamique de celles-ci a contribuera à faire émerger la signification personnelle que le confinement a pu avoir. This work proposes the investigation of the immediate emotional repercussions of the announcements of the third containment in France. In order to respond to this objective, we are interested in the emotional reactions as they were communicated via the social network Twitter between March 11, 2021 and April 08, 2021. Method: 481,601 tweets were retrieved via the rtweet library of R software. An automated emotional lexicon analysis was conducted. The data were processed according to two approaches : (i) one cross-sectionally and (ii) the other one considering longitudinally the dynamic aspect of emotions by studying the content of tweets, day after day. Results: The impact of the containment announcements is not trivial. If positive emotions can be observed, the impact remains mostly negative and global. Over the whole period considered, the dominant feeling was one of discomfort. It is illustrated by an experience of loneliness, feelings of tension, suffering and/or frustration. Depression and suffering are also predominant in all the tweets. The temporal analyses show that the nature and diversity of emotions vary according to the date on which the tweets were published. The reconfinement announcements are thus mainly associated with hatred but appear to be only transient. Discussion: The results are discussed with respect to the adaptive functions of emotions. Conclusion: The analysis of the messages posted on social networks brings us information for a real-time understanding of the emotional reactions related to reconfinement announcements. In addition to examining the type of emotions mobilized, a dynamic reading of them will help to bring out the personal meaning that the confinement may have had.

Can J Aging ; 41(3): 451-459, 2022 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1947138


Social isolation and loneliness in long-term care settings are a growing concern. Drawing on concepts of social citizenship, we developed a peer mentoring program in which resident mentors and volunteers formed a team, met weekly for training, and paired up to visit isolated residents. In this article, we explore the experiences of the resident mentors. As part of a larger mixed-methods study conducted in 10 sites in Canada, we interviewed mentors (n = 48) and analysed data using inductive thematic analysis. We identified three inter-related themes: Helping others, helping ourselves described the personal benefits experienced through adopting a helping role; Building a bigger social world encapsulated new connections with those visited, and; Facing challenges, learning together described how mentors dealt with challenges as a team. Our findings suggest that a structured approach to mentoring benefits residents and helps them feel confident taking on a role supporting their isolated peers.

Mentoring , Mentors , Emotions , Humans , Long-Term Care , Peer Group
Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique ; 2022.
Article in French | ScienceDirect | ID: covidwho-1866805


Résumé Depuis le 16 mars 2020, date de l’annonce du premier confinement en France dans le contexte de pandémie liée à la COVID-19 et de crise sanitaire, les Français ont connu un bouleversement brutal et durable de leurs rythmes et habitudes. La crise sanitaire a eu un impact fort sur la population générale et sur les patients souffrant de troubles psychiatriques. La demande de prise en charge en santé mentale est particulièrement accrue chez les jeunes, qui semblent les plus impactés par cette crise. Dans la première partie de cet article, nous décrirons l’impact de la crise sanitaire sur la santé mentale des jeunes et sur la fréquentation des urgences psychiatriques, avec une revue exhaustive de la littérature française et internationale. La littérature traitant de la santé mentale des enfants et des jeunes durant la crise sanitaire est vaste et régulièrement actualisée. Au 31 décembre 2021, seules quelques données concernant l’état de santé mentale des jeunes sont chiffrées et publiées. Dans la seconde partie, nous présenterons une étude épidémiologique descriptive réalisée dans le plus grand centre d’urgences psychiatriques français, afin de mettre en évidence les changements des flux de consultations des patients âgés de 15 à 25 ans durant la première année de la crise sanitaire, comparativement aux trois années précédentes. En conclusion, nous évoquerons les mesures et adaptations du système de soins français mises en place pour prendre en charge les besoins accrus en santé mentale de cette population spécifique des 15–25 ans, particulièrement malmenée par la crise sanitaire, véritable enjeu national de santé publique. Introduction Since March 16, 2020, the date of the announcement of the first confinement in France in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and health crisis, French residents have experienced a brutal and lasting disruption in their rhythms and habits. The health crisis has had a strong impact on the general population and especially on patients suffering from psychiatric disorders. The demand for mental health care has particularly heightened among young people, who seem to be the most affected by this crisis. In the first part of this article, we will describe the impact of the health crisis on the mental health of young people and on the attendance of psychiatric emergencies, with a review of French and international literature. In the second part, we will present a descriptive epidemiological study carried out in the largest French psychiatric emergency center. Methods and objective Our sample included 9,771 young patients from 15 to 25 years old. The main objective of our study is to highlight the changes in the flow of consultations of patients aged 15 to 25 years during the first year of the health crisis, compared to the three previous years. We calculated and compared the proportion of the target population consulting between the period of the first year of the health crisis (COVID period) and the period encompassing the previous three years (pre-COVID period). We also compared different variables, between the 2,179 young people consulting during the first year of COVID-19 health crisis and the 7,592 young people during the three last years: age, sex, marital status, symptoms, environmental context and CIM-10 diagnoses. Results We observed a significant increase in the proportion of patients aged 15 to 25 during the COVID period (n=29.4% vs. 27.6%;P<0,001). The patients during the COVID period were predominantly female. We have seen a significant increase in patients coming for consultations for anxiety (+4.3%;P<0.001), sleep disorders (+2.8%;P<0.001) and suicidal thoughts (+2.7%;P=0.006) during the COVID period. During the first year of the health crisis, the target population consulted less for claustration, withdrawal or odd behavior. Family conflicts, traumatic events and other life events were more frequent. Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders were less frequently diagnosed. Conclusion The health crisis has had a considerable impact on the mental health of the youth population. The mental health of young people is a current subject of concern and a major public health issue. Data from the literature warns of the impact of the health crisis on the mental health of this population and the need for early treatment, even as the supply of psychiatric care is decreasing.

Can J Physiol Pharmacol ; 100(7): 702-711, 2022 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1832563


Since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Delta variant was discovered in India in October 2020, it has rapidly triggered a second outbreak globally. However, the effects of the COVID-19 Delta variant on mental health in survivors and healthcare workers are unclear. The aim of this study is to assess mental health among the COVID-19 Delta variant survivors and healthcare workers, and analyze the possible impact factors. This survey-based, cross-sectional study used the Symptom Check List-90 Revised questionnaire to evaluate psychological status among 60 COVID-19 Delta variant survivors, 162 nurses, and 72 hygienists in Nanjing, China. Three indices and nine dimensions were compared for job, education level, gender, age, and marriage classification. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0. Mental distress among participants was not very serious in general. The survivors presented the highest score, followed by the hygienists, and the lowest score was in nurses. Low-educated individuals and women showed significant increase. No significant difference was noted in age and marriage classification. In this survey study of COVID-19 Delta variant survivors and healthcare workers in Nanjing, China, the survivors needed psychological support immediately. Meanwhile, healthcare workers warranted more attention, especially the lower education levels and women. A comprehensive emergency response plan was warranted.

COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiology , China/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Disease Outbreaks , Female , Health Personnel/psychology , Humans , Mental Health , SARS-CoV-2 , Survivors
Can J Diet Pract Res ; 83(3): 144-146, 2022 09 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1834279


Purpose: A pilot study to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and shift to online learning and practicum training on dietetics students' perceptions of Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP) competency acquisition and mental health.Methods: Dietetics students (n = 19) at the University of Guelph (2020-2021) were invited to complete an anonymous online survey to assess self-reported online dietetics practicum training experiences including (i) benefits and challenges, (ii) PDEP competency acquisition, and (iii) impact on mental health.Results: The benefits of online dietetics training included schedule flexibility (42.1%), reduced commute time (31.6%), and acquiring virtual counselling experience (21.1%). Reported challenges were insufficient communication with preceptors (36.8%), increased project workload (57.9%), and technology (15.8%). In online practicum placements, 52.6% of dietetics students reported adequately acquiring all PDEP competencies, with Nutrition Care identified as the most challenging to obtain (63.2%). A negative impact on mental health and increased levels of stress/anxiety were reported in 94.7% of trainees. Notably, 63.2% of students favoured continuation of online dietetics training through a hybrid or entirely online format.Conclusion: Online dietetics training has the potential to complement the traditional in-person model; however, further adaptation is required to optimize PDEP competency acquisition and students' mental health.

COVID-19 , Dietetics , Dietetics/education , Humans , Mental Health , Pandemics , Pilot Projects
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement ; 2022.
Article in English, French | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1783125


Purpose of the study: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the changes in working conditions, the fear of being contaminated at the work place and job insecurity can have a significant impact on the mental health of employees. The objective of this study was to measure the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of employees under follow-up in an occupational health service and to identify the factors associated with stress and fear at work. Method: An anonymous and confidential questionnaire was offered to employees coming to occupational health visit in early October and November 2020. Results: Among the employees, 1797 responded. Nearly 40% had manifestations of anxiety disorders and 20% had depressive signs. From the beginning of the crisis, almost a third of employees were more stressed than before and 21% happened to be afraid at work. Being more stressed at work was associated with gender, number of employees, seniority, working in the health sector, feeling affected by SARS-COV2, being at risk of severe covid-19, feeling exposed to SARS-COV2 at work, feeling insecure at work and having difficulties to apply barrier measures. The multivariate model analysis looking at factors associated to fear at work had similar findings. Conclusion: This study confirms and quantifies the importance of stress, feelings of insecurity and tensions at work. These results emphasized the role of an occupational health service in the face of a health crisis to best support employees and employers. © 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS